150 Pull Ups
*On the minute, do 5 push press (95/65)
**No band pull ups, do 2 for 1 jumping pull ups w/kipping swing on box.
(Start with pull ups on the start of the clock.)
We will be moving this Friday and Saturday to 1209 Lakeview Drive, across from the Franklin Bowling Ally. Please come by and help us load out the equipment and move it if you can. If we're not here, we're at the new spot.
3 Min AMRAP:
Deadlift (135/95), you must show open fingers at the bottom of each deadlift to prevent bouncing.
rest 1 Minute
3 Min AMRAP:
Thrusters (135/95)]
rest 1 Minute
3 Min AMRAP:
Power Cleans (135/95)
***Want to join CrossFitMT but you don't see a class time that works for you? Call us, we'll work something out that fits with your schedule!
Contact Us at 615-429-2208 for information regarding our class prices, Personal Training and Strength Training packages.
Or email us at crossfitmt@gmail.com
We are located at: 106 Carr Avenue Franklin, TN 37064 (turn at Cameron Spray and Wash and Kubota)
CrossFitMT Strength and Olympic Lifting
Do you need to gain some strength and size in the off season? Or maybe you just like to lift heavy things off the ground and put them overhead? We offer private Barbell Club training that emphasize the major strength lifts (Deadlift, Squat, Press, Clean & Jerk, Snatch, etc).
You will get to work either with 1 to 2 coaches in a private training session. Video analysis of your lifts and private website to track your progress and strength workouts will be provided.
Go to the Navigation header at the top right of this page and click on Strength Training for more information. Or contact us at 615-429-2208 or email at crossfitmt@gmail.com