Kettlebell power snatch 13/13 reps
Push-up 1 rep
Kettlebell power snatch 11/11 reps
Push-up 3 reps
Kettlebell power snatch 9/9 reps
Push-up 5 reps
Kettlebell power snatch 7/7 reps
Push-up 7 reps
Kettlebell power snatch 5/5 reps
Push-up 9 reps
Kettlebell power snatch 3/3 reps
Push-up 11 reps
Kettlebell power snatch 1/1 rep
Push-up 13 reps
*Men 44-pound kettlebell, or 45-pound dumbbell
**Women 18-pound kettlebell, or 20-pound dumbbell
How We Get Fat
by Lyle McDonald
"At a fundamental level, fat storage occurs when caloric intake exceeds caloric output, a topic I discussed in some detail in The Energy Balance Equation. Now, I know that a lot of people claim that basic thermodynamics don’t hold for humans. Simply, they are wrong. Invariably, the studies used to support this position are based on a faulty data set: to whit, they are drawing poor conclusions about what people SAY that they are eating..."
Read the rest at Lyle's excellent website.
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