The start position (1) for the hang clean is similiar to the end of the deadlift. The bar is over the center of base and the shoulders are slightly in front of the bar. Between the start and mid-thigh (2), there is a re-bend of the knees to stack the shoulders over the hips, bar still over base, in preparation for the massive amounts of power generated at the end of the second pull. The second pull ends (3) with the athlete standing tall, hips fully open and shoulders shrugged. All force generated by the athlete on the bar from this point on is not to raise the bar any further, but to drive the athlete under the bar. This is achieved by the athlete sumultaneously lifting the feet off the ground and violently pulling (3rd pull) him/herself under the bar as quickly as possible and recieving the bar in the racked position with elbows level with or higher than the bar at the bottom of the squat. This movement is about speed. If you can deadlift and shrug the weight and you can front squat it, then you can clean it.
“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” -T.E. Lawrence
Just so y'all know, you are just as free to, on any WOD, scale the weight up as you are to scale it down. Just sayin'...
2 rounds of
Bergener snatch warm-up
10 45lb stiff-legged DLs
4 mins couch stretch
15 Min AMRAP:
10 hang cleans (full squat) 135/95
30 double-unders (attempts count)
4 additional mintues couch stretch at home/office
check out Kelly Starrett's mobility project and learn a little about addressing your jacked up joints
frew said:
ReplyDeleteNice sketch Rob!
First thought:holy sh**!
ReplyDeleteSecond thought:I'm definitely going to be late for work.
Third thought:that stick figure reminds me of frew.
ReplyDelete10 rounds of 10 hang cleans (115 no squat, wrists can't take it), 20 tuck jumps (no jump rope available), 10 push-ups. 23:10
Soooo glad to see 10 rounds changed to the AMRAP. Thought I would be there til next Tuesday doing all those double under attempts.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDeload Day:
135, 155, 165
10 Min AMRAP:
10 KB Snatch (35)
10 Rounds
power cleans:
ReplyDelete5 sets of 185lbs x 3
for the WOD, I scaled the weight and number of pushups, but kept the original scheme:
10 RFT:
10 hang cleans 95#
30 DUs
5 pushups every even minute
This just in from our good friend Jamie over at Max Muscle Cool Springs: some super holiday deals:
and if you mention hearing about it through CrossfitMT, he'll give you and additional 10% off! Take advantage of some great savings on some great products!
ReplyDelete10 RFT
10 Hang Power cleans @95lbs
30 double unders
*every 2 minutes did 10 push ups.
time: 31:39
ReplyDelete4rds @ 70#
I was 12 du short of 5---my hands refused to leave my knees... I think Tisdale's black lung is contagious. So much hacking...
2 rounds + 5 cleans @ 95#.
ReplyDeleteAnd loads of whiplash on my ankles.
To sore for this wod, so did an active recovery day.
ReplyDeleteEasy 2k row 7:57
15 min am rap
10 Paralette Pass Thru
15 DU
9 rounds
Kevin H
ReplyDelete135lbs 2 rounds + 10 hang cleans + 26 double unders
5 rnds + 5 cleans Rx (only counted full DUs)