Warm Up:
20 Burpees
Shoulder Mobility
Hip Mobility
5 RFT:
10 KB Swings (53/35)
10 Wall Ball (20/10)
10 Box Jumps
Alright CFMT Athletes. The sectionals for the 2011 Games begins Tuesday, March 15th. The open format for the sectionals this year will allow anyone to compete at their local affiliate, or submit filmed wods on their own. CrossFit Middle Tennessee has "opted-in" for this 6 week competition, and I want to encourage all of you to participate. Here is what you need to do:
1. Go to this site:
https://games.crossfit.com/user/register 2. Sign up by creating an athlete profile for yourself.
3. Once you've created a profile, join our gym by selecting CrossFit Middle Tennessee as the location at which you will compete in each week's wod. When you submit your score, we will have to validate that the score was legit. If you are in contention, and seriously have a chance to make a showing, we will assign a coach to judge every rep and movement to ensure your technique meets the standards set forth by CrossFit HQ. Each wod will be posted with these standards.
4. You can perform each wod as many times during the week that you feel you need to achieve your best score. Once you're satisfied with your score, we will validate your submission.
It costs $10 to register as an athlete, but that is only a one time fee. You will not be charged to compete if you are a member. If someone from the outside wants to compete at CrossFit Middle Tennessee and they have no membership, the cost will be $10 per wod.
Each week's wod will be posted as the daily workout at some point that week. It will most likely be Tuesdays. If for some reason the wod requires equipment we do no have access to, we will not opt-in for that wod, and you will be n your own to locate another location at which to compete in that week's wod.
Good luck! Let's see where we stand in the CrossFit universe.