Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tues. Oct. 27

12 Min. AMRAP

250m Row
10 Push Press (65/45)
10 Wall Ball



Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood (70#) Kettlebell swings


  1. Stephen talked about doing a challenge similiar to this. The one below is from Crossfit Santa Cruz website. It could be fun and motivation. What say ye?

    Challenge rules:

    Eat Zone or Paleo Zone (your choice) for three months. Keep following the Eat This blog for helpful information on getting started.
    Keep a daily food log. Include everything (even slip-ups)… it happens!
    Cost: $20.00 to be put into a “kitty” for the winner.
    Two before pictures (taken at the gym). Why? It’s motivation! Pictures tell it all. Remember, this is NOT about pounds lost… it’s about changing your body composition & getting lean! Your privacy will be completely respected! Photos will be a front view and a back view. Men in shorts. Women in sports bra and shorts. Pictures to be taken between Aug. 25-Sept. 01.
    Benchmark workouts. Know your stats! Within the last month, you’ll need 1 board workout (we’ve recently done Jackie, Filthy Fifty, The Chief), a run or row time, a max effort, and a 1-rep max lift (we just did back squats). These benchmark workouts will be ran again close to the end of the challenge.
    Two after pictures. These will be taken Nov. 23 & 24 (same poses, same place, same type clothing).
    CFSCC trainers, and myself will pick the top people who have had the most change in body composition, as well as the largest gains in their benchmark performances.
    Winner gets entire kitty, plus a CFSCC t-shirt, to boot!
