CrossFit Total (CFT):
Back Squat
*You may have 2 warm up sets before you will be given 3 attempts for each exercise. Movements must be performed in the above order.
Back squat must be taken from the rack, reach below parallel and return to fully locked out hips and knees, then returned to the rack.
Press is a strict shoulder press, no body action will be allowed. Bar must start on the shoulders/upper chest, and must be fully locked out at the top in the frontal plane (head through hole, bar over spine), and return to shoulders and returned to the rack.
Deadlift will be taken from the ground to the fully locked out position (locked out hips and knees, shoulders behind bar), and you must stay with the bar back down to the ground (no dropping).
Total all 1RM for your CFT.
You will be able to choose to do your CFT on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. We will also be posting a WOD every day for those who choose not to do the CFT, or wish to wait until they feel comfortable with the movements before attempting the total.
4 RFT:
50 Push Ups
30 Lunges (total)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Fri. Jan. 28
5 RFT:
5 Bear Complexes (hands cannot leave the bar until done with all 5)(95/65)
10 Burpees
5 Bear Complexes (hands cannot leave the bar until done with all 5)(95/65)
10 Burpees
Weather Update!!!
If it is nasty tomorrow morning, I'm gonna post our open or closed status. I'll also send out an email to you all. Stay tuned....
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thurs. Jan. 28

Congratulations to Steve and Leslie Morris! Josie Faye Morris was born last night at 21:37 hours. One new member ready for fundamentals training!
30 Muscle ups for time, or:
120 Pullups
120 Ring Dips
*partition pullups and dips as needed.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wed. Jan. 27
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sat. Jan. 23

"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds, 1 Minute per station:
1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
5. Row: calories (Calories)
... The clock will run continuously, total up calories and reps for all movements for each round (5 minutes), rest 1 minute between rounds. Total of all 3 rounds is score.
Now go grill some good food!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Fri. Jan. 22
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thurs. Jan. 21
13 Min. AMRAP:
10 Push Ups (chest must touch floor and arms must lock out at top)
20 Lunges (each leg)
5 Sets: Max Dead Hang Pullups
This is from
"Scale Tales"
What’s your magic number? You know the one…. the one that will put you on top of the world when it appears, the life-changing number that will transform you into a better person or help you find true love. But what will it take to get there? For most it means sacrifice and abusing the body. And maintenance… that’s a whole different ball of wax! Will your “success” at reaching that number be maintained until the summer wedding you are going to? Those are real questions you need to ask yourself.
I have lived by the number on the scale for most of my life. I was a chubby kid, chubbier teen and overweight young adult. Through self-deprivation and starvation I learned how to beat the number on the scale and dare that number to go lower. Anorexia turned me into a scale pro. I would gladly show you the digits any day of the week. I recall the day a 00 was too big for me, I also recall not being able to get pregnant, the horror I felt when i realized you could see me spine, being weak and out of breath and getting sick all the time. It was exhausting.
After the birth of my first daughter the battle started all over again. I found myself feeling like I was not worthy when my Weight Watcher leader would point out I hadn’t lost anything that week. I would use all my points at McDonald’s and would end up “forced” to eat veggies the rest of the day since the were zero points. Carrots and broccoli ? Really? I felt as if I was being punished instead of taking these good foods and running with them.
You all know what comes next – you lose that “last 10lbs” and treat yourself. A celebration of depriving yourself for weeks and months on end. The cycle then starts all over again. Why not be satisfied every day? The realization that Paleo is a lifestyle and not a diet changed that for me. I am never hungry, and I will never chase a number.
At almost 43 (next week!) I am 5′6″ and don’t know or care how much I weigh. I don’t weight and measure my food, so why would I weigh myself? I am in the 150-160 range and a size 6/8. I feel fantastic! By most doctor’s charts and according to my daughters’ Wii Fit I am supposed to weigh 140. While I may be overweight by some standards, I guarantee you I am not “under fit.” At 140 there is no way I could nail a 180lb backsquat, or pass people more than half my age on endurance workouts. It’s been 7 months since I started Paleo and I know I am leaner and stronger. I can see abs I never knew I had!
What I’m getting at is: DO NOT FIXATE ON A NUMBER!!! It doesn’t reflect who you are or anything about your level of fitness. Your health is measured by your fitness, not a number. If you are treating your body the way it was intended and working out, then your body will respond – you will feel strong, you will get lean and your body will reflect that.
The best part about that – it’s easy to maintain. We all have our occasionally cheats, but we get back up on the wagon. You don’t need to know you gained 3lbs over the holidays - you will FEEL it. You will know by then how treating yourself well daily feels.
So next time you feel the urge to weigh, instead think “HOW DO I FEEL?” How you respond to that and what you do next says more about who you are than any number.
10 Push Ups (chest must touch floor and arms must lock out at top)
20 Lunges (each leg)
5 Sets: Max Dead Hang Pullups
This is from
"Scale Tales"
What’s your magic number? You know the one…. the one that will put you on top of the world when it appears, the life-changing number that will transform you into a better person or help you find true love. But what will it take to get there? For most it means sacrifice and abusing the body. And maintenance… that’s a whole different ball of wax! Will your “success” at reaching that number be maintained until the summer wedding you are going to? Those are real questions you need to ask yourself.
I have lived by the number on the scale for most of my life. I was a chubby kid, chubbier teen and overweight young adult. Through self-deprivation and starvation I learned how to beat the number on the scale and dare that number to go lower. Anorexia turned me into a scale pro. I would gladly show you the digits any day of the week. I recall the day a 00 was too big for me, I also recall not being able to get pregnant, the horror I felt when i realized you could see me spine, being weak and out of breath and getting sick all the time. It was exhausting.
After the birth of my first daughter the battle started all over again. I found myself feeling like I was not worthy when my Weight Watcher leader would point out I hadn’t lost anything that week. I would use all my points at McDonald’s and would end up “forced” to eat veggies the rest of the day since the were zero points. Carrots and broccoli ? Really? I felt as if I was being punished instead of taking these good foods and running with them.
You all know what comes next – you lose that “last 10lbs” and treat yourself. A celebration of depriving yourself for weeks and months on end. The cycle then starts all over again. Why not be satisfied every day? The realization that Paleo is a lifestyle and not a diet changed that for me. I am never hungry, and I will never chase a number.
At almost 43 (next week!) I am 5′6″ and don’t know or care how much I weigh. I don’t weight and measure my food, so why would I weigh myself? I am in the 150-160 range and a size 6/8. I feel fantastic! By most doctor’s charts and according to my daughters’ Wii Fit I am supposed to weigh 140. While I may be overweight by some standards, I guarantee you I am not “under fit.” At 140 there is no way I could nail a 180lb backsquat, or pass people more than half my age on endurance workouts. It’s been 7 months since I started Paleo and I know I am leaner and stronger. I can see abs I never knew I had!
What I’m getting at is: DO NOT FIXATE ON A NUMBER!!! It doesn’t reflect who you are or anything about your level of fitness. Your health is measured by your fitness, not a number. If you are treating your body the way it was intended and working out, then your body will respond – you will feel strong, you will get lean and your body will reflect that.
The best part about that – it’s easy to maintain. We all have our occasionally cheats, but we get back up on the wagon. You don’t need to know you gained 3lbs over the holidays - you will FEEL it. You will know by then how treating yourself well daily feels.
So next time you feel the urge to weigh, instead think “HOW DO I FEEL?” How you respond to that and what you do next says more about who you are than any number.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Wed. Jan. 20
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Mon. Jan. 18
1 Building Lap (530m)
50 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Air Squats
1 Building Lap
*you may partition the reps as needed.
Front Squat
Good article from Mark's Daily Apple:
1 Building Lap (530m)
50 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Air Squats
1 Building Lap
*you may partition the reps as needed.
Front Squat
Good article from Mark's Daily Apple:
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sat. Jan. 16
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (35)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps (total)
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (35)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps (total)
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Fri. Jan. 15
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Thurs. Jan. 14
“The Chief”
3 Min AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 Min, repeat for 5 cycles, total rounds for all cycles is score
Back Squat
3 Min AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 Min, repeat for 5 cycles, total rounds for all cycles is score
Back Squat
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Wed. Jan. 13
Monday, January 11, 2010
Tues. Jan. 12
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Mon. Jan. 11
5 RFT:
10 Push Ups
10 Ring Dips
10 Sit Ups
Some Paleo Recipes for Your Eating Pleasure. Thanks CF Evolution:
Easy Meat Breakfast
6 oz grassfed beef
onion, mushroom to taste
1/4 c organic salsa (Costco brand)
Throw the beef in a pan
and fry the beef til almost
Add in the chopped onions
& mushrooms.
Season with pepper.
Cook till browned.
Dump into bowl, pour salsa
on top, mix & enjoy.
Lunch on the Grill
9 oz grassfed burgers (about 3 burgers)
OR meat of choice
2 handfuls of veggie of choice: broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, whatever
1 tbs olive oil (for veggies)
Throw meat on grill + cook.
Wrap veggies in foil +
throw on grill too.
Put it all on a plate +
sprinkle olive oil over
Season w/ pepper.
9 oz meat of choice
(beef, pork, chicken)
1/2 bag of frozen stir-fry veggies (that's what they're called)
Olive oil
Chop up meat into bite
size pieces.
Pan fry meat w/ water, oil,
or lemon (about 2 tbs)
over med heat.
Don't burn the meat/pan.
In separate pan, fry veggies
in 1 tbs water, oil, or
lemon, over low-med
When meat is cooked, add
to veggies. Mix it up.
Add more oil if needed or
lemon juice. Sprinkle w/
seasonings (Montreal,
garlic salt, pepper).
Don't let it get soggy.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Sat. Jan. 9
8 min AMRAP:
10 wall ball
Rest 2 min
8 min AMRAP:
20 KB Swings (53/35)
20 K2Es
Total rounds for score
10 wall ball
Rest 2 min
8 min AMRAP:
20 KB Swings (53/35)
20 K2Es
Total rounds for score
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Fri. Jan. 8
40 Pull Ups
40 SDHP (53/35)
40 Jumping Squats
40 Push Ups
40 Walking Plate Overhead Lunge (45/25)
Beginning with our first week in February, we will establish a CrossFit Total (CFT) for all members. What's a CFT you ask? Here you go:
The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift. All three lifts are done while standing on the floor. They require minimal and inexpensive equipment. They are not technique- dependent to the extent of the Olympic lifts, yet they require technical proficiency beyond mere passing familiarity. They are safe when performed correctly, since they can all be performed without spotters—alone in a garage if necessary.
There is no time limit for each lift or for the length of the session in which they are all performed, but they must all be performed during one session—i.e., you cannot leave the area to rest or perform other activities between the three lifts.
Anyone in a position to attempt a legitimate CrossFit Total should be familiar enough with their capabilities on the lifts to have a fairly good idea of just what might be possible for a one-rep max (1RM). This number is what you warm up intending to do. A meet situation will involve three attempts, and this is a good way to determine a true 1RM.
The first attempt would be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt would be a weight you know without any doubt that you could do for a single, having just done the first attempt. And the third attempt is the weight you want to do, based on your performance on the previous two attempts.
I would like for every member to establish their total in our first week of business in Feb. We will have a white board dedicated to this endeavour, so we will be able to revisit this to track you improvement. This is a wonderful goal for determining strength and progress within that area of your fitness. If you would like to begin practicing for these movements, feel free to do so during your class practice/skills time.
Get ready to be held to strict standards for all of these movements. Full range of motion will only be counted. No partial squats, short deadlifts and crappy presses will count. The truth will be the standard.
Good luck....
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Thurs. Jan. 7
Deadlift (225/135)
Push Press
*If the weather gets bad, I will post and email you all concerning closing.
From CrossFit Evolution
The Benefits of Crossfit
5 Self-Improvements from Crossfit Training.
1. Physical Health = Sickness and injury free
2. Mental Health = Stable and happy, motivated
3. Fitness = Accomplish anything, anywhere, at anytime
4. Appearance = Look good
5. Life = Enjoy it to the fullest: the people, the places, the moments
That may seem like a tall order for a gym, but not THIS gym. Every single member of our gym feels the benefits listed above. You are only required to do 2 things. You must show up for the training and you must always do your best. That's it.
Feel better, look better, perform better, BE better.
Improving Mental & Physical Health
Step 1: Moving from Sickness to Wellness.
I believe that most people do not realize that there is a scale that goes from sickness, to wellness, to fitness. And it IS in that order. Sickness can be defined as having a disease, a bacterial or viral infection, or simply not being absolutely perfectly well. How do you know if you are not well? For starters, do you take any medication? Are you over or under weight? Are you achy in muscles or joints? Does your back, neck, knees, or shoulders hurt? Do you have frequent headaches? Are you depressed? Do you just "not feel right"? If you make excuses for the way you feel everyday...then you ARE sick. And it's high time for you to get well.
To get from sickness to wellness will require some work on your part, let's face it, alot of work. If it was easy, then everyone would be well and our insurance premiums would be better. The most important thing you can do is to get started today, at home or wherever. Just get started. Evaluate where you are now and decide where you want to be.
Start by building on a strong foundation of better nutrition and basic exercise. Proper nutrition will go a long way to helping you feel better, deal with stress effectively, and assist your body's immune system. You may even find that you will sleep better and feel more refreshed. There's also a chance of having more energy and more enjoyment in life.
So, what nutrition plan? We always advocate Paleo, but for now, let's not get hung up on what, how, why. You already know what to do. Eat lean meat (includes fish, seafood, poultry), lots of veggies and fruits, and add olive oil. Unless you live in a cave, everyone has heard of this. Just focus on eating those foods MOST of the time. Just do your best and if you fall off track, just get back on. You also know what is bad for you. So eat less of that. Just do it.
Many of our members are on Paleo, and have had wonderful results. Keeping a logbook and being held accountable is effective. Proper diet can stabilize your mood, clear your thinking, relieve stress, fuel your workouts and your day, stabilize your weight, and help your body and muscles recover faster.
Now on to basic exercise. If it's been a while, start walking, anything, just start doing something EVERY day. There are enough hours in a day for you to get in 15-30 minutes of exercise. Stick to some bodyweight classics like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, running, and jump rope. Start in your living room, your yard, or even your local "I don't know your name unless I scan your card" gym. When you feel ready, increase the intensity of the exercise.
If you want more guidance and motivation, or want faster and better results, then come see us at our High-Performance gym. Check out our workout-of-the-day to see what's going on. You can just come in and start, you don't "need to get ready" for it. That is what scaling is all about. Doing Crossfit training here, allows you to commiserate, compete, and support others in an atmosphere of professional training in which the focus is on form, technique, and scalability, to each and every person. This means that the focus is on YOU and your performance.
Our high-intensity training, scaled to each individual, causes physical and mental adaptations quickly, that you will not expect. It is the beauty of this programming. Lots of varied, full body, functional movements that make you stronger, faster, and more powerful. The camaraderie and competition build strong character, friendship, and assertiveness.All of this will make you feel better physically and mentally.
Improving Fitness (Super Wellness)
Step 2: Moving from Wellness to Fitness.
On to the next step. You are not sick, you are well, but that is not enough. Many people say they are fit, in actuality, they are merely well. To be fit, is to be thriving and moving forward, progressing. If you are not progressing, then you are merely surviving. To move from wellness to fitness requires a commitment to nutrition and consistent bouts of intense exercise.
Your nutrition MUST be squared away. You need to be following a Paleo diet at the minimum. Want more? Put your Paleo food into Zone proportions, it'll drive you and your family insane (albeit temporarily) and give you the BEST performance and bodyfat results possible. Is it worth it? YUP. Is it a pain in the ass? YUP. Should I still do it? Only if you are willing to weigh and measure everything that you put in your mouth AND willing to write it all down in a food log.
Without that food log, tweaks can't be made. Tweaks are essential to breaking plateaus, switching from losing fat to gaining muscle, and to learn how your body works best. Members with the best nutrition success, all kept food logs diligently and shared them for feedback.
Taking exercise to the next level requires you to ask yourself what you want out of life. I call this "Mediocrity Vs Bad-Assity". Where do you want to be? Why settle for "okay", when you can be more and do more? Made your decision? Good. "Bad-Assity" is an attitude, a state of mind. It is a physically and mentally strong body that endeavors to accomplish great things.This is super wellness or fitness. It is the ability to do well at anything, at anytime, anywhere.
This requires consistent training at varying levels of intensity, but always with 100% of your best effort. This demands the learning and application of new skills and techniques. This results in new personal records and the aquisition of feats thought impossible (muscle-up anyone?). This is "Bad-Assity". This is Super Wellness. This is Fitness.
When you finally squash a workout that used to lay you out on the floor...the feeling of elation that comes from that moment spills over into the rest of your life. You will see life in a new way. You will be compelled to do more. You WILL be changed. That may sound like BS, but walk into our gym at anytime and ask anyone if Crossfit changed their life. Be specific, ask them how. I guarantee that they'll be more than happy to share.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Wed. Jan. 6
20 Min AMRAP:
5 Box Jumps
10 Wall Ball
15 KB Swings (53/35)
Front Squat:
50 Reps of 50% 1RM
from CrossFit Evolution
"Life Is Not Fair: And You Don't Want it to Be"
Fairness. What does that mean, really. Most people think it is "the right thing to do"; justice for all; an equal distribution of goods, services, whatever; and that you should be fair to everyone. And we all know "life is not fair", but that phrase is always treated as an ending to some sad story of despair. And I am sick of it!
Doing the right thing, justice for all, equal distribution, and equality for all is just not reasonable or possible for all people all the time. Fairness is in the eye of the beholder. Fairness changes quickly as well. Why so much stock in a word, a morality, that is dependent on personal opinion and perspective? Because it sounds nice. That's it. People feel good when they decide that they are "fair" about something.
That one is fair does mean that one is just. To do the right thing is your perspective of it only and may not be the reality. Justice for all usually is just for some. Equal distribution as it relates to fairness is anti-capitalism... and don't get me started on that topic. Equality of people is good when we're talking about civil rights, but not good when we're talking about preferential treatment related to education or employment. I think people should be allowed in a certain college or hired for a specific job based solely on merit. Based on their intellect, their work capacity, their achievements...that's what I want to see. I want salaries to be dependent upon proven results and work done.
In society today, this is what "fair" translates to:
* Fair means everyone gets what they THINK they deserve
* Fair means everyone is equal
* Fair means balanced
* Fair means everyone gets their way and gets along
It kinda sounds "nice" doesn't it? Here's what's wrong with it:
* Most people think they deserve alot, when in fact they deserve much less
* If you deserve something, that means you're waiting and not acting. Achievers GET what they want by going after it, they don't wait for someone to tell them their worth. They didn't "deserve it", they earned it.
* Everyone is NOT equal. Duh!! Everyone is unique. The way we think, the things we like, our motivators, our goals, our skills, our background, our experience...etc etc. If I'm the most intelligent scientist on earth and I created a new form of cheap fuel... I do not want to be paid the same as the person who is less intelligent and not creating something of value. I believe in excellence and I believe in getting paid well for it.
* Balance means hearing both sides or having it all. That's a myth. You can't have it all, but you can make yourself think you do if you like. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You will NOT balance them. You will get the strengths stronger and the weaknesses to not suck so much. That's it.
* What about a "balanced life"? Another myth. You find the things that give you the most joy and then spend the most time on them. Things you don't like, find a way to NOT do it or get around it. It's very easy actually. Instead of trying to make everything work, just enjoy life more by spending time on the things you like.
* No matter how fair you think something is, someone will disagree. Why? Because fairness is subject to change and is in the eye of the beholder. What is fair today, is not fair tomorrow.
Some CrossFit Evolution scenarios for thought:
* It's 6pm. There's 15 advanced members training and 3 beginners that just walked in the door. Is it fair to keep the advanced members waiting while the beginners take 15 minutes of the trainer's time? Is it fair to focus on the paying members and leave the beginners bewildered and lost? Is it fair to the owner that the lost beginners decided not to join because they didn't "get it"? What would be fair?
- As you can see, fairness is changeable and dependent on
one's perspective. You just can't be fair to everyone just like
you can't make everyone happy.
* You offer a discount to a large group of new joins, but after a couple months, half of them fall off. Is it fair to increase the price on the remaining new members? Is it fair for the business to just take a loss?
-Depends how you are looking at it right?
I ask that everyone keep in mind that when we make changes and adjustments to programming, number of classes, in-house policies, prices, and more... we do so in order to make it better for our members, for prospective members, for us, and for the business (not in that particular order).
Life is not fair.
I think if life was fair, then I would be very unhappy about it. I don't believe that anything is owed to me. If I want something more than someone else, then I will get it. If I am better, smarter, faster, whatever... what I want I will get it first.
If life was fair, it would be too easy. Easy means I would do less and think less. Doing and thinking less means I wouldn't push myself. Not pushing myself would lead to slow-moving and slow-thinking. I would stop growing and I would just age. There is no joy in that.
If Crossfit was fair, you would only improve in the things you are good at. You would never reach your potential. It's the challenge and the competition that makes you better. It's being forced to do what you can't do or don't want to do.
Life was not meant to be fair. It was meant to cause adversity, because that is what causes us to grow. It has always been that way and always will be. So, when people say "life is not fair", I have to smile, because I don't want it to be. It is what excites me, teaches me, and drives me forward. When something is not "fair", there is always an opportunity waiting to be found, there is always an action waiting to be done.
So whatever gets thrown at you, just take it and run with it. Don't let it knock you down. We like adversity. We like proving ourselves. We don't care about what's fair and what's not. We care about doing our best. We care about hard work and the results that prove it.
"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." -Ayn Rand
Monday, January 4, 2010
Tues. Jan. 5
30 Clean/Jerk for time (135/95)
*each rep counts from ground to overhead.
Overhead Squat
Muscle Snatch
Article taken from CrossFit Evolution
Take responsibility for your actions and inactions. Even better, don’t be guilty of inaction. What’s an inaction? Every time you make an excuse to NOT do something, that you DO want to do, that’s an inaction. Stop making excuses and choose action. It won’t be easy, in fact, it may be the hardest thing that you’ll ever have to do. Why is that?
Because in today’s society, it’s easy to get busy and get lost in the “not-so-important” details of life. It’s easy to say “I’m too busy. I don’t have time. I don’t have the money. I’m not smart enough. I’m too old.” So many people settle for mediocre, average, and ordinary. Why aim so low, when life is so short? Your best years are probably right NOW.
Stop being a bystander to your own life, watching everything go by while it’s happening right in front of you. You alone control the direction of your life. You control your happiness. If not you, then who? The answer is anyone, anything, or worse… no one. Here’s how it works, in a nutshell. Instead of making an excuse, just say the truth: I don’t want to. It is a conversation ender, but why waste time (yours or someone else’s)? If it’s NOT the truth, meaning you really do want to do it, then it’s an excuse. Stop the excuses, and figure out a way to do what you really want to do.
Disclaimer: This doesn’t mean there are no repercussions for your actions and I assume that we know right from wrong and the differences between moral and immoral. Do not break the law or intentionally hurt someone.
2nd Disclaimer: Do not use your faith as an excuse either: “I am waiting for God to show me or bring it to me”, or “It’ll happen on it’s own if it was meant to be”. This actually may be THE biggest excuse used. I am not going to get into a religious discussion, all I will quote is an old proverb: “God put the bird on the earth. God put the worm on the earth for the bird to eat. But God did NOT put the worm in the bird’s mouth.” Religion and faith is beautiful, but stop using it as a crutch & excuse. There are many opportunities out there and many ways in which to achieve them, but first you have to pay attention and then you’ll have to go after it… just like that bird.
Popular excuses: I don’t have the money. I don’t have time. I’m too busy.
While this may be true, what it really means is that you don’t want to spend your money or time on that item/luxury/service. There is no right or wrong, just truth. Many people when faced with something that they want very badly, will find the money or time for said item. It usually involves giving up something else of lesser value. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
More popular excuses: I’m too old. I’m too overweight. I’m too weak.
Those excuses mean 1 of 2 things: 1) I’m too lazy to see this through, or 2) I have low self-esteem. Sorry, but it’s the truth, and sometimes it’s painful. Example: someone comes to a gym and says they want to get in shape. Followed by, this looks too hard for me. If you think it is, it is, because you either don’t want to work to get in shape or you don’t think you can do it. You came to me, so you must want my help. Trust that I want to improve you and not injure you. Why? Cause if you don’t improve, you can quit paying me. If you get injured, you can quit paying me also. And why would I want that??
I am not saying that the above excuses are not true, they are, but it goes deeper than that. If you want something, if it’s important, you will go after it. I want to get people fired up enough to realize that it’s high time they: 1) recognize what is important, and 2) do something about it and stop making excuses. Go after your dreams now, because you are getting older every day, and you only have a finite time on this earth to experience life. Take it to it’s fullest.
Let’s look past the ordinary New Year resolutions and into some extraordinary goals. It starts with being more specific and even better if you can set a time-line. Dream big and aim high, cause even if you miss your target, you’re still closer than had you kept your eyes closed. So, open your eyes and start living.
30 Clean/Jerk for time (135/95)
*each rep counts from ground to overhead.
Overhead Squat
Muscle Snatch
Article taken from CrossFit Evolution
Take responsibility for your actions and inactions. Even better, don’t be guilty of inaction. What’s an inaction? Every time you make an excuse to NOT do something, that you DO want to do, that’s an inaction. Stop making excuses and choose action. It won’t be easy, in fact, it may be the hardest thing that you’ll ever have to do. Why is that?
Because in today’s society, it’s easy to get busy and get lost in the “not-so-important” details of life. It’s easy to say “I’m too busy. I don’t have time. I don’t have the money. I’m not smart enough. I’m too old.” So many people settle for mediocre, average, and ordinary. Why aim so low, when life is so short? Your best years are probably right NOW.
Stop being a bystander to your own life, watching everything go by while it’s happening right in front of you. You alone control the direction of your life. You control your happiness. If not you, then who? The answer is anyone, anything, or worse… no one. Here’s how it works, in a nutshell. Instead of making an excuse, just say the truth: I don’t want to. It is a conversation ender, but why waste time (yours or someone else’s)? If it’s NOT the truth, meaning you really do want to do it, then it’s an excuse. Stop the excuses, and figure out a way to do what you really want to do.
Disclaimer: This doesn’t mean there are no repercussions for your actions and I assume that we know right from wrong and the differences between moral and immoral. Do not break the law or intentionally hurt someone.
2nd Disclaimer: Do not use your faith as an excuse either: “I am waiting for God to show me or bring it to me”, or “It’ll happen on it’s own if it was meant to be”. This actually may be THE biggest excuse used. I am not going to get into a religious discussion, all I will quote is an old proverb: “God put the bird on the earth. God put the worm on the earth for the bird to eat. But God did NOT put the worm in the bird’s mouth.” Religion and faith is beautiful, but stop using it as a crutch & excuse. There are many opportunities out there and many ways in which to achieve them, but first you have to pay attention and then you’ll have to go after it… just like that bird.
Popular excuses: I don’t have the money. I don’t have time. I’m too busy.
While this may be true, what it really means is that you don’t want to spend your money or time on that item/luxury/service. There is no right or wrong, just truth. Many people when faced with something that they want very badly, will find the money or time for said item. It usually involves giving up something else of lesser value. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
More popular excuses: I’m too old. I’m too overweight. I’m too weak.
Those excuses mean 1 of 2 things: 1) I’m too lazy to see this through, or 2) I have low self-esteem. Sorry, but it’s the truth, and sometimes it’s painful. Example: someone comes to a gym and says they want to get in shape. Followed by, this looks too hard for me. If you think it is, it is, because you either don’t want to work to get in shape or you don’t think you can do it. You came to me, so you must want my help. Trust that I want to improve you and not injure you. Why? Cause if you don’t improve, you can quit paying me. If you get injured, you can quit paying me also. And why would I want that??
I am not saying that the above excuses are not true, they are, but it goes deeper than that. If you want something, if it’s important, you will go after it. I want to get people fired up enough to realize that it’s high time they: 1) recognize what is important, and 2) do something about it and stop making excuses. Go after your dreams now, because you are getting older every day, and you only have a finite time on this earth to experience life. Take it to it’s fullest.
Let’s look past the ordinary New Year resolutions and into some extraordinary goals. It starts with being more specific and even better if you can set a time-line. Dream big and aim high, cause even if you miss your target, you’re still closer than had you kept your eyes closed. So, open your eyes and start living.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Mon. Jan. 4
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
*We will be posting two wod's per day. One will be a standard wod for the majority of the membership. The second will be a strength wod for those members who wish to focus on overall strength through barbell movements and heavier standard movements.
Strength WOD:
Dead Lift 3-3-3-3-3
*take 50% of 3RM and do 3 sets of ten with that weight following the 3x5
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
*We will be posting two wod's per day. One will be a standard wod for the majority of the membership. The second will be a strength wod for those members who wish to focus on overall strength through barbell movements and heavier standard movements.
Strength WOD:
Dead Lift 3-3-3-3-3
*take 50% of 3RM and do 3 sets of ten with that weight following the 3x5
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year

Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year. To kick off 2010, we are going to add some new classes on Wednesday's and Friday's. These classes are going to be called Warrior WOD's. Warrior WOD's are designed for current CrossFitter's or individuals that have a higher fitness level than your average gym rat.
These classes are free for current members, $10 drop in fee for guest. However, if you plan to attend be prepared to push yourself. These classes are not for the faint at heart. Warrior WOD's are going to be longer and more intense than our current CF classes. I am planning on having class at 3pm on Wednesday's and 10am on Friday's.
Check out the Endurance Blog or email Steve at to learn more.
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