Sunday, July 8, 2012


10 Min KB Snatch Technique and Doubleunder Practice

5 RFT:
30 Doubleunders
10 KB Snatch Rt. Arm*
10 KB Snatch Lt. Arm
5 Burpees

*KB Weight will be determined during practice


  1. 19:15 Rx @ 53# KB

    First two rounds I could feel all the bad food of last week's vacation slugging through my system. The later rounds actually felt easier.

  2. 15:49 (35#)
    Keep waiting for the heat to not bother me...maybe I should sport a Frew 'do?

  3. 15:04 Rx @ 53# KB. Made some very poor dietary decisions over the long weekend- very happy to be back! This is my la st week in TN, I am going to sincerely miss crossfit MT- heavy heavy heart this week!! :-(
