Tuesday, August 14, 2012


For time:
20 Min AMRAP:
1 Clean & Jerk @ 80% of 1RM
5 Burpees
7 KB Swings (70/53)

2 C & J, etc.

Increase C & J by one rep every round. Score is highest C & J reps completed. (i.e. Clock ends on the 10th round = 9 C & J completed.)


  1. 8 complete rounds RX @ 155#
    (+6 C&J's of the next rnd)

    For information purposes, total C&J's in all = 42

  2. Crossfit 405 (Oklahoma City WOD):

    5 RFT:

    30 Doubleunders (I did 90 singles for sub)
    6 HSPU (I did handstand practice before, but 40# strict press for WOD)

    ~ 6 minutes. Did not get final time as someone cut the power cord for the clock in half with their jump rope when doing DBU.
