Monday, April 25, 2011

Tues. April 26

Sectional WOD 11.6

7 Min AMRAP:
Thrusters (100/65)
C2B Pull Ups*

Total reps for the 7 minutes is your score. 3 thrusters, 3 pu, 6 thrusters, 6 pu would be a score of 18.

Chest must touch the bar below the collar bone.
** Sub 2 for 1 regular pull ups if you are not competing.


  1. 75 rx
    Looking forward to the chestbone bruise--that's a new one!

  2. Misty I must be doing something wrong because I always get the clavicle bruise from front squat position, it sucks.
    65/blue - 9 count + 11 thrusters (47 total)
