Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mon. April 18

Warm Up:
Hip Mobility
10 30 second L-Hangs

For Time:
1 Building Lap (530m)
25 KB Swings (53/35)
1 Building Lap
25 Burpees
1 Building Lap
25 Air Squats


  1. This looks like payback for the absence of the 8am CFE class... glad I made myself run last week!

  2. Seasonal Cooking Workshop - Vanderbilt Center for Integrative Health

    Eating in accordance with what’s in season has many advantages. As the seasons change, the body naturally needs different foods during specific times of the year. In this workshop, we will gather together to gain a deeper understanding of our own choices through community, meal preparation, and mindful eating. This workshop will be a cooking demonstration with hands-on participation and delicious benefits as we eat together.

  3. Frank:

    13:26 w/treadmill
