Friday, May 27, 2011

Sat. May 28

In memory and eternal thanks to Danny Dietz....

5 Rounds for Time:
28 Box Jumps (24/20)
28 Ball Slams (20/14)
28 Burpees
28 Atomic Sit Ups (20/14)
28 4-count Flutter Kicks

Please remember that we are asking that you bring a donation of at least $10 for a contribution to the Danny Dietz Memorial Fund (to provide scholarships for active duity and fallen SEAL's children).

Thank You Danny!

1 comment:

  1. Ryan & Dana's wedding day WOD
    50 squats
    50 jumping pullups
    50 lunges
    50 KTEs
    50 75# push press
    50 situps
    50 dips
    50 squats
    50 pushups

    28 something

    WOD at 630, wedding at 10
