Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wed. May 18

Warm Up:
Run 800m

Burpee/Deadlifts (135/95)
Box Jumps (24/20)


  1. WOD 1 at 10am:
    Work up to a 1RM power snatch then,
    5 RFT of
    10 hang power snatches
    10 bar touch burpees
    10 pullups

    135 1RM, 65 for the hang pwr snatches
    1:11, 1:10, 1:24, 1:26, 1:30 total time = 17:41

    WOD 2 at 1pm:
    30 min AMRAP as a team of three:
    30m hand stand walk
    25 GHD situps
    15 50# slam ball slams
    You can't move on to the next exercise until the person in front of you on your team is finished

    7 rnds

    All done with a Bible study in between with Rich, Easy, Rachel, Cory and DRob at CrossFit Cookville

  2. 6:38 RX
    Yay burpee deadlifts!

  3. Burpee Deadlifts are not my friend.
