Monday, May 16, 2011

Tues. May 17

For 17 minutes:
20 Weighted Step Ups (45/25)
12 Pull Ups
Max Rep Thrusters (95/65)

Round ends when the thruster bar hits the ground;

Total score = Total Thrusters


  1. 50 Thruster's Rx (in 3 rounds)

  2. 3 rnds of:
    partner A completes AMRAP of lateral jumps over parallet while partner B completes 6 45degree broad jumps and runs back to partner A, then they switch

    3 rnds of:
    partner A completes AMRAP quick hops over yard line while partner B broad jumps 15 yards then runs back to partner A, then they switch

    4 rnds of:
    4 x sprint 10yrds, backpeddle 5yrds

    good footwork day and some rockin' tunes (Angie's morning ladies class remix) to dance to. James and I would def. have point on any dancefloor in town.

  3. 57 Thrusters (#55)
    No bar drop! Hahaha
