Sunday, February 26, 2012


3 Part WOD:

A. Row 2k

rest 3 min

For time:
30 Pull Ups
30 KB Swings

rest 3 min

C. Run 800m

Score each separately.


  1. 2k Row: 7:47 -13s (guestimate due to technical glitch w/ row computer resetting)

    PU/KB: 2:54 Rx

    800m: 3:43

    Still feeling those burpees from this weekend

  2. Pete
    2k Row: 7:19
    PU/DU (sub DU for KB)2:39
    800m: 3:30

    The lungs weren't there today. I agree with Lee, 12.1 still hurts. Now its, ICE shoulders for time. 3. 2. 1. GO

  3. Started with PU/KBS.

    PU/KBS: 2:49 Rx
    800m run: 3:46
    2K row: 8:42

  4. Natalia
    9:45; 3:05 (band,rx); 5:50. Oh why oh why it takes so long to get good at this?

  5. Loving the new phone browser look! Keep up the great work guys!

  6. Natalia,don't beat yourself up! These workouts are all hard and it takes a certain amount of courage to do them. You're improving and probably a lot stronger than you think. What are you having difficulties with? If it's strength, get Baker or another coach to put you on a program. If you gas out have your diet looked at. Come in a little early and work on a skill. It'll come together...just keep at it!

  7. Row: 8:24
    Ring row / KBS 4:30-something
    800m: 5:26

    Natalia - I don't think I've met you, but I'm still trying to get good at it too! When do you usually work out? We can keep each other company being slow. :)
