Tuesday, February 7, 2012


For Time:

Run 1 Mile
30 Burpees
Row 300m
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
30 Goblet Lunges (53/35)


  1. 13:00 Rx (including a 10 second rower mishap, doh!)

  2. Because I didn't want to shock my system too much (since I've been at this less than a week), I decided to take today as a recover day. When I saw the WOD, I thought, "Damn it. This would have been a good one to test myself on." That along with my actual feelings of missing Crossfit this morning makes me question my sanity. Is that normal? BTW, great job everyone!

  3. Rebecca, don't worry you just hit the top of the iceberg. Wait until you start checking it online at night because you want to know sooner than getting there in the morning. Then the dreams start.... Just kidding. The day is not over, maybe a late day WOD? :)


    PS. This WOD was made for the lighting feet of Tisdale.
