Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fri. March 11

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of:
30 Second Squat Hold at the Bottom
30 Second Plank

For Time:
10 Handstand Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
30 Kb Swings (53/35)
40 Burpees
30 Kb Swings
20 Pull Ups
10 Handstand Push Ups


  1. 7:59 w/ 1 AbMat for the HSPU's

  2. Wetter(coat rack)- 5:16 70KB, no abmat, Congrats to our Misty on the 53KB upgrade!Thanks for the motivation!!!!

  3. yeah, thanks Misty!!...after seeing you swing the heavy KB, I couldn't use the RX'd weight w/o feeling like I was cheating! So, I gave it a shot. 12:28 53KB, abmat+10lb plate for HSPUs, but these were my first unassisted HSPUs, so I was just happy to get 'em at all. And man, it took me a bit longer to recover from this one!

  4. 15:58 W/70lb KB

    Well done BigTodd, Wetter, Misty and Heather for steppin' it up on the KB swings - y'all were an inspiration to me! And great job, Heather on the unassisted HSPUs - step by step, you'll be doing full ROM in no time.

  5. Killswitch 11:19 (Box & Green Band)

    The burpees KILLED me, as usual. Congrats to the crazy girls who up-scaled their KB weights! And to Lenore and Missy for ditching their bands this week! I'll be at the track bright & early tomorrow for another double dose.
