Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wed. March 16

CrossFit Games Open WOD Week 1:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders*
15 Power snatches**

*only successful double unders count, not attempts.

**power snatch is only good when rep comes from gound, to arms, knees, and hips fully locked out, make sure ear is in front of arm at top of extension. (You may also do clean and jerk if snatches become a problem. The goal is still full extension, ground to overhead.)

The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg
Masters Men 55-59, 60+: 65lbs/30kg
Masters Women 55-59, 60+: 45lbs/20kg





  1. Wetter - Not quite five rounds but close, not bad for a dry run, i will attempt again, this time FASTER!!! Good luck to the rest of our members/competitors. Never Quit, Take it to the edge and past it!!!!!

  2. 2 Rounds + 30DU and 8 cleans

    Harder than it looked for sure. I'm sure I can get three or four rounds if I do it again. I've never done power snatches before today. Nice job Wetter.

  3. Frew

    4 rounds+ 3 DU. Gasser.

  4. 6 rnds + 12 DU's...will retry Fri or Sat

  5. 4 rnds + 90 singles
    RX power snatch, single jumps

  6. Top 5

    DRob 6 rnds + 12 DUs 282 reps
    Babb 5 rnds + 30 DUs 255 reps
    Wetter 4 rnds + 8 power snatches 282 reps
    Joseph 3 rnds + 30 DUs 165
    Hart 2 rnds + 8 power snatches 128 reps

    Missy 3 rnds + 5 DUs 140 reps
