Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wed. Feb. 23

Warm Up:
Run 800m
Saigon Stretch (30 sec. x 5)
20 Pass Throughs

5 RFT:

10 KB Swings (53/35)
10 KB SDHP (53/35)
10 Burpees


  1. 7:12 rx
    Where was this picture taken----Stephen,were you born with that hat? Show off that 'fro!

  2. CFMT Top Ten 2/23/11:

    1. wetter 5:41*
    2. tisdale 7:21
    3. chris 7:53
    4. frew 7:57
    5. nick 7:58*
    *use of 70# kb

    1. misty 7:12
    2. megan 7:38
    3. mckenzie 8:48
    4. tammy 10:19
    5. mandy 10:29

    I salute you all for a job well done. Another day of good work put out by all. Remember, intensity is relative, as long as you're putting all you have into the wod; you;ve done you can do. Rest, eat and sleep-see you tomorrow.

  3. Correction to top ten:

    Frew used the 70lb KB; Nick did not.
