Monday, February 28, 2011

Tues. March 1

Warm Up:
500m Row
Hip Mobility

4 RFT:
10 Air Squat-Box Jumps-Air Squat*
20 KB Swings (53/35)
30 Push Ups

*Do an air squat, jump from the squat onto a box, land in a squat on top of the box = 1 Rep. If you miss a squat before the jump, or upon landing on the box, then it's a no-rep... Do it again.


  1. Tomorrow looks fun.... too bad its right after Fran >_<

  2. I'm actually excited for this WOD!

  3. Still working on Shoulder rehab. . . . but DL PR 325# (finally > 2x bw)

  4. THANK YOU to Dr. Frew, RN Stacey and Janitor Morris(sorry!)! You guys were extremely helpful and I appreciate it. Despite all the blood,I only got 6 stitches.....and a DNF:( Thanks again!

  5. And we now have a fully stocked first aid kit! We call her Misty.

  6. misty,
    DNF maybe, but how many people can say they achieved it by splitting their hand on a Plyo box!

  7. above comment posted by Dr. Frew; B.S.

  8. Well, I can add today's incident to the growing list of other dumb-ass things I've done so far. Let's see...nailing myself in the crotch with a kettlebell....leaving the skin of my neck and nose on the barbell...I can't wait until tomorrow.

  9. Hey Misty, I fell off the tire today practicing my squat box jumps! I have also dropped a 20lb dumb bell on my knuckle. You're not the only one with smooth moves, you definitely have the prize today though.

    13:38 RX - did my best to compensate for what is sure to be a weak workout tomorrow.

  10. Top 5

    James 10:35
    Wetter 10:40
    Nathan 12:35
    Tis 12:38
    Justin 15:20

    McKenzie 13:28
    Teresa 15:03
    Missy 15:21
    Lenore 18:01
    Megan 18:48

  11. Hmm...sounds like a couple of the Stooges have been reincarnated....let's stay out of the medical community the rest of the week! Good job,McKenzie!

  12. Sounds like a plan! Haha, thanks Misty! Everyone did great, today was rough!
