Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sat. Jan. 8

Teams of 2:
One person works at a time.
100 Thrusters (95/65)
100 Ring Rows
*one the minute, every minute, do 5 burpees. Both team members must complete 5 burpees each before you resume thrusters and ring rows.


  1. 17:54 for Michelle and I.
    I was Rx, she used 35lb.

  2. Tisdale and I finished in 21 something? RX
    Also,I'm going to be at Percy Warner stairs tom. at 10am if anyone wants to suffer with me.
    The plan:
    stairs 3x
    3 miles (on blvd,which is flat)
    stairs 3x
    3 miles
    stairs as many as possible.

    So Stephen...if we do any lunges or squats Mon. I will kick your soon as I can move my legs.

  3. Fit to Fight Competition

    10 min as reps as possible
    7 deadlift, 225#
    14 box jump, 24"
    21 KB swing, 55#

    4 full rnds + 4 KB swings into 5th. DL were smokers.
