Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sat. Dec. 11

Teams of 2:

One person works at a time.

5 RFT:

57 DB Push Press (35/20)
57 Burpee Deadlifts (135/95)
57 KB Swings (53/35)
57 4-count Mountain Climbers


  1. Awesome workout! And awesome job everybody - way to push through a long WOD! The way the rep/rest scheme worked out was perfect so that I just started to hit the wall at the end of each set for rounds 3-5 and then get just enough rest to be ready to go again. Good job, Harris! Thanks for being my teammate!

    Harris/Rob: 43:03 WOOT!!

  2. Todd and I

    64:59 Rx

    "Only pansies finish under an hour." (Anonymous)
